6. Event execution

How EVENTS executed defaultly in peoplesoft?
In following order the events in peoplesoft executed generally,

Events order:

1.Search Init 
2. Search save 
3. Row select(search mode)/Field default(add mode) 
4.Pre Build 
5.Row Init 
6.Post Build 
7. Page activate 
8.Field edit 
9.field change 
10. field formula 
11. Row insert 
12. row delete 
13. pre pop-up 
14. save edit 
15.save prechange 
16. work flow 
17. save post change

5. How to insert a prompt table in peoplesoft record?

How to insert a prompt table in peoplesoft record?

step 1:
select the field in record where do you want to insert a prompt table.

step 2:

Right click the field and select the record field properties.

step 3:
In Record field properties click the EDIT button.

step 4:

In edit click the TABLE EDIT in edit type and choose "prompt table with no edit"

*choose the necessory prompt table in below option

step 5:

Then check in page whether the field get changed like the below picture.

step 6:

Then come to the front end and check the field which has the prompt table.

step 7:

Then click the prompt table icon near the field to choose the needed data.

*don't forget to save the action continously.

4. Error - More than one data record in scroll ???

Re: More than one data record in scroll ???

 I'm getting this error in app designer and am unsure what it means....

 More than one data record in scroll -- make fields from non-primary
 record related display: CSH_OFF_RCPT_T.TENDER_KEY. (15,22)


 A scroll bar can only contain data from one data record.

 You may access other records within the scroll, provided that they are
 related display fields. (Related display fields will not be updated as
 part of Save processing.)

To correct this problem, reorder the fields

 so multiple records are not under one scroll, or, if multiple records
 are required under a scroll, make fields from records other than the primary one non-updatable related display fields.

It means you have two records contained on one scroll level. You can only
have one table/view record per scroll, per page. You can retrieve other
data from other records and make them related display fields that are based
on fields within your main record, but they are then display-only. Either
that or you will need to move one of the records to a different scroll level
if that's possible depending on your key structure.

I suppose you could

create a secondary page with your second record on it and link to that page
from this page as well. 

3. Introduction to Peoplesoft(PPT)

Here i have attached some power point related with the peoplesoft especially for the beginner....

Introduction to peoplesoft appdesigner(ppt)

Component interface in peoplesoft(ppt)

Configuration manager in peoplesoft(ppt)

Introduction to peoplesoft v1.0(ppt)

Oracle peoplesoft know your work better v1.0(ppt)

people code(ppt)

peoplesoft security definitions(ppt)

peoplesoft internet architecture(ppt)

2. How to upload and download a pdf file in oracle database?

how to upload and download a pdf file in oracle database?

here i have some procedures to upload and download a pdf file in oracle type database

a) Follow the below steps for uploading a pdf file into a oracle table as blob data type.

step 1.

-- assume the PDF files are in /data/documents filesystem directory

create or replace directory pdfdir as 'D:\pdf';
grant read on directory pdfdir to <USERNAME>;

step 2.

create table mydocs (id integer primary key, doc blob);

step 3.

bf bfile;
b blob;
src_offset integer := 1;
dest_offset integer := 1;
-- insert a new blob and return it to local variable
insert into mydocs values(1, empty_blob()) returning doc into b;
-- open the bfile for file "summary.pdf"
bf := bfilename('PDFDIR', 'test.pdf');
dbms_lob.open(bf, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
dbms_lob.loadBlobFromFile(b, bf, dbms_lob.lobmaxsize, dest_offset, src_offset);

Once after performing the above. The pdf content will be available in the table mydocs.

b) Follow the below steps for downloading the blob data type contents as a pdf file.

step 1:


Directory created.

step 2:

l_buffer RAW(32767);
l_amount BINARY_INTEGER := 32767;
l_pos INTEGER := 1;
l_blob BLOB;
l_blob_len INTEGER;
-- Get LOB locator
INTO l_blob
FROM mydocs
WHERE rownum = 1;

l_blob_len := DBMS_LOB.getlength(l_blob);

-- Open the destination file.
l_file := UTL_FILE.fopen('BLOBS','MyImage.pdf','WB', 32767);

-- Read chunks of the BLOB and write them to the file
-- until complete.
WHILE l_pos < l_blob_len LOOP
DBMS_LOB.read(l_blob, l_amount, l_pos, l_buffer);
UTL_FILE.put_raw(l_file, l_buffer, TRUE);
l_pos := l_pos + l_amount;

-- Close the file.

-- Close the file if something goes wrong.
IF UTL_FILE.is_open(l_file) THEN


1. Popup menu creation in peoplesoft

How to create a popup menu in oracle peoplesoft?

The common way to create a popup menu in peoplesoft is as follows,

                                            Create new menu as follows.

Select popup option.-

Click on define transfer.

Assign  any menu, component, page (comp item), click the check box at bottom.
Click ok then save the menu.

Then  put name of popup menu in any page field properties popup menu option.

Open this page in PIA and click on arrow symbol.
It will take you to menu , component ,page define in transfer properties of popupmenu.